Your Voice

Your Voice

Your articles on life with a stammer

Stories, articles, opinions, poems, art and more from people who stammer. Read about their stammering experiences.

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Your voice
Martin explains how he used his experience of coaching football to write a children's book to show others that you can be a coach with a stammer. Plus, read a review of Martin's book.
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Filled with confidence after plucking up the courage to speak at a previous event, Phyllis tells us how she jumped at the chance to build on that success.
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Tom Wells tells us how he feels about starting university and the technique that helped him with his Oxford interview.
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Lauren talks about her interest in stammering and what she hopes to get from our upcoming conference STAMMAFest Global on the 24th-28th August.
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Harry talks candidly about the depression and extreme feelings he experienced around his stammer.
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Stand-up comedian Aidan Greene tells us about his two shows at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, and recounts an awkward moment when an audience member reacted badly to his material.
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When Chris woke up unable to speak, doctors didn't diagnose it as a stammer. Read about his quest for answers.
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Last week, a singer-songwriter who stammered wowed the judges on America's Got Talent and went viral. But US-based speech & language pathologist Courtney took issue with the clip and wrote a blog post to explain why.
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Our STAMMAFest Global event next month will be Bhupinder's first time at a stammering conference. Although feeling nervous about attending, here she tells us why she decided to book a ticket.
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It's been a year since Heather first sought support for her daughter's stammer. Here, she reflects on how things have been since then.
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Hospital radio presenter Rob tells us about making a video to encourage others who stammer. 
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Paul tells us how the togetherness he felt whilst attending a stammering conference in the USA inspired him.
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