Hear from the team behind STAMMA

Read blogs from the STAMMA team about what we've been up to and our thoughts on recent events.

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A tribute, this Volunteers' Week 2023, to those who go above and beyond for STAMMA.
On this day for celebrating staff networks, Vee, STAMMA's Networks & Campaigns Lead, explains how important they can be for people who stammer.
Neha talks about a segment from an upcoming interview between STAMMA and footballer Ken Sema, that resonated with her.
Ever thought about setting up a stammering support group but have been put off by how much work is involved? It doesn't actually need a lot of effort, says Vee, STAMMA's Networks & Campaigns Lead.
We caught up with Michael, David and Paul from the Nuclear Stammering Network to find out how they're passionately advocating for people who stammer in the nuclear sector and beyond.
Salman Rushdie's latest novel presents an interesting take on stammering cure depictions and uniquely imbues stammering with narrative potential, writes STAMMA's Neha Shaji.
Talking about stammering is good. But is 'disclosing' a stammer the right term to use?
Flagging up a family film with a dubious portrayal of stammering that's just been added to Netflix.
Vee, our Network & Campaigns Lead and, as it turns out, hard-hitting saleswoman and fundraiser — for those who weren't at STAMMAFest Global she ran the merch stand — tells us about her STAMMAFest experience.
Ellie from the STAMMA Youth Panel updates us on what they've been getting up to.
Following our STAMMAFest conference, Kirsten Howells reflects on how she first realised there were others out there who stammered too, and encourages other speech & language therapists (SLTs) to help plant a sense of community.
Do you stammer and identify as lesbian, gay, bi, trans, queer, questioning or ace (LGBTQ+), or are you an ally? Vee invites you to join a safe space discussion in September.