Blog Lists

Meet James Davies, who we're proud to say is a new STAMMA Patron.
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Being offered a teaching job was the last thing Judith expected, having spent her schooldays afraid to speak in class. Here, she talks us through her career and explains how useful feedback helped her to deliver a funeral speech.
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Jack's passion for broadcasting has led him to work on TV shows including Newsround, Blue Peter and Say Yes To The Dress. It's all about dreaming big and working hard, he says.
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Fabienne describes how self-doubt and worry over stammering almost stopped her from pursuing her dream job in nursing.
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Isack writes from Kenya about his journey with stammering, from schooldays to finding employment. Having faced occasional prejudice, it's a tale of perseverance and determination to succeed.
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For Shane, the shift to working from home in the pandemic and speaking on video calls has been challenging. But as he explains here, it's helped him face up to his fears around stammering. 
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Bhupinder tells us about teaching with a stammer.
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Stammering can be a barrier to employment. But proper planning when applying for jobs and seeking support will help, says retired careers adviser and former Trustee Colin Marsh.
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Tech startup founder Hamish lists the positive attributes that give him the edge in the workplace, and encourages others who stammer to become leaders too.
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