Blog Lists

John wonders why he stammers more in some situations than others.
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Tim tells us what he hopes the future will look like for people who stammer.
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Read Tim's poem about regarding his stammer as something that doesn't need to be cured.
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Read Alyia's article
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Ezra argues that we should stop equating 'good communication' with speaking fluently if we are to stop marginalising people who stammer.
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James explains the reaction some people give when he stammers, and the time when he received 'the look' from the unlikeliest place.
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What makes something perfect? Tom argues that society should change its definition of beauty to embrace stammered voices.
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Amber writes about noticing a shift in the way the media is talking about stammering.
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In a follow up to his last article, James, our regular contributor from the US, explains why it's important to show grace to others and to yourself.
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